Link: This is Linus

Last week Zite suggested this article, I’ve known about Linus and his rude comments. But reading this article, I realised that being polite is not right solution for everything.


Idea to action: Tile this

Not many of my ideas are converted to a project, this one has seen its light last week. Though I haven’t completed all the UI and features of my original vision, it is better to have one working idea than nothing.


Idea Vault: When is that?

I guess like me there will be many people often confuse appointments/client calls due to timezone differences. I am not talking about people who send/receive schedules from Outlook (or similar apps).


Custom UISplitViewController now available on GitHub

I created this custom UISplitViewController as one of my iPad project required Split view for only one screen. The default UISplitViewController provided by Apple can only be added to UIWindow which means you can’t use it with normal UINavigation based project with only one splitview screen.