Dev Diary

This is something I’ve started in Jan ‘15. This is to practice a habit of keeping a log of stuff I do which took me a lot of time to figure out myself (may be I’m not efficient?


Prj - Times of India epub

Remember my old post about the TOI - Epub project? Yesterday, I published the source on github. If anyone still interested, go ahead and take a look at the source.


Recommended Git workflow

I recently started using Git as my revision control tool. Impressed by the use of branching and merging, I create and merge a lot of branches.


Custom UISplitViewController now available on GitHub

I created this custom UISplitViewController as one of my iPad project required Split view for only one screen. The default UISplitViewController provided by Apple can only be added to UIWindow which means you can’t use it with normal UINavigation based project with only one splitview screen.