
| M-Ret                  | new ouline on same level                         |
| M-S-Ret                | new outline todo task                            |
| M- left/right arrow    | promote /demote level                            |
| S-up/down              | priority                                         |
| C-c C-x C-i            | clock in                                         |
| C-c C-x C-o            | clock out                                        |
| C-c C-x C-d            | clock display                                    |
| C-c C-x C-j            | goto current clocking task                       |
| C-c C-x C-x            | goto last clocking task                          |
| C-c C-x C-e            | effor estimate current clocking task             |
| C-c C-x C-q            | cancel clock                                     |
| C-c C-x C-4            | Report of current task                           |
| org-show-todo-tree     |                                                  |
| org-sparse-tree        | C-c /                                            |
| M-x org-agenda a       | week view, v d (dayview)                         |
| C-c C-q                | apply tag                                        |
| M-x org-agenda m/M     | query-match tags                                 |
| C-c C-x C-w            | cut sub-tree                                     |
| C-c C-x M-w            | copy sub-tree                                    |
| C-c C-x C-y            | paste sub-tree (use M-S-arrow to promote/demote) |
| C-c C-n/p              | prev next same level visible                     |
| C-c C-f/b              | prev next same level                             |
| C-c C-u                | one level up                                     |
|                        |                                                  |
| C-c C-x C-a            | archive current item                             |
| C-c C-x C-s            | archive subtree                                  |
| b/f                    | agenda view backward/forward                     |
| B / $                  | archive bulk items from agenda                   |
| *                      | select/mark all items in agenda                  |
| M-x org-show-todo-tree | show todo tree                                   |
| Space s s              | swiper / filter lines matching                   |

Multi-line editing

  • Normal mode
  • C-v
  • motion keys
  • Shift-I and do the edit for a line
  • ESC to apply to all blocks

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