Happy Teachers Day

This is a post I’m meaning to write for a very long time. I wanted to write this every year around Teachers day (5-Sep) and failed to publish. Reason is, I could not find a way to express, anyhow here is an attempt.

I was a bright(?) kid in school, but hated teachers, because I felt they don’t know much other than the text books. As in everything in life, I learned very late the value of Teaching and no one knows everything.

Happy Teachers Day to all my teachers. I’m deeply sorry for being a smug at times in classes.

As they old phrase from this part of the world says “Matha, Pitha, Guru & Deivam” (Mother, Father, Teacher & God). After your parents it is always the teacher(s) who shape us who we are.

I am very thankful for my teachers. Not just teachers from my school and college, I thank every random strangers who writes a blog post explaining something they want to teach others, and Youtubers who publish valuable contents.

I think of Teachers day as a Thanksgiving day for all the people who taught me everything I know.

Happy Teachers Day.

Note: I could not find the credible source for the quote without linking it to a religion or a myth. Kindly ignore ‘God’ from the quote (or /Religion/Hinduism for the matter).

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